Visiting Our Clinic During COVID-19

This June, we have opened up more capacity for in-person visits at our office. This means increased patient volumes and increased risk to other patients, our staff, and our doctors.

However, the majority of patient appointments are still done virtually, to minimize risks. As such, when booking an appointment the default visit is by telephone or video. In-person visits must be approved by your doctor and our staff will clearly inform you are being seen in person.

If you have been booked for an in-person visit, you will notice that we have implemented changes to help protect every person that enters the office.

When you arrive at the office:

  • Wait in your car until you are called or receive a text that your doctor is ready for you. If you do not have a mobile phone, please wait outside the main entrance door to the building (i.e. on the sidewalk)

  • You will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms prior to entering our office

  • Once you are brought in to the office for your appointment, as much as possible you will be directed straight to an examination room, to minimize contact with staff or other patients

  • If you have respiratory symptoms, your doctor may choose to see you in your vehicle in order to avoid exposing other people in the clinic

When you enter the office, you will notice:

  • Minimal or no patients at all in our waiting room

  • Plexiglass shields at staff-patient interaction areas

  • Staff and doctors physical distancing

  • Staff and doctors wearing medical masks

  • Doctors wearing eye protection and gloves, plus a protective gown as necessary during your visit

  • Traffic in the office is directed in a one-way-flow, with arrows marked on the ground

  • Increased cleaning and disinfecting protocols especially for common areas and high-touch surfaces

We ask that you please do your part by:

  • Coming alone for your visit. Exceptions will be made for accompanying a pediatric patient or adult patient needing a caregiver, in those cases one additional person may be admitted

  • Considering to wear a non-medical mask or face covering to your visit

  • Sanitizing or washing your hands upon entering the office, entering and leaving the examination room, and on returning to your vehicle. We will have hand sanitizing and washing stations available

  • Following the one-way directional flow as indicated by the arrows

  • Respecting physical distancing recommendations

Together, we can help keep our 9000+ patients, staff, and doctors healthy. Thank you for your cooperation.

Fort Family Practice